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Peacebuilding and Statebuilding
in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
The 2011 Arab Spring has led to prolonged social conflicts, substantial human suffering, and tensions between countries in the region. It has also exposed shortcomings in existing international approaches for supporting peace and for building stronger states. The Center supports efforts to ensure that international aid accelerates peace, that local mediation efforts progress national political processes, and that peacebuilding initiatives are effectively designed. The program’s geographic focus is Yemen, Syria, and Libya, although it also provides support in other conflict contexts in the region. The program presently works in partnership with GIZ (Yemen), Search for Common Ground (Yemen), and the United Nations Development Program (Libya).

Bomb blast at the Tibesti Hotel in Benghazi on Wednesday June 1, 2011 / Photo © Sohail Nakhooda, Kalam Research & Media
Current Projects
Health Diplomacy in Libya
In support of the United Nations Development Program in Libya

Enhanced coexistance and peace capacity in Yemen
Joint project with the Centre for Security Studies, University of Jordan

The Yemen Conflict Sensitivity Platform (YCSP)
Joint project with Search for Common Ground MENA

Past Projects
Preventing violent extremism through dialogue
In support of the United Nations Development Program in Lebanon

Promoting peace in Yemen through the economy
Joint project with a Yemeni research institute

Peace and conflict assessment of Libya
In support of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Review of the Stabilisation Facility for Libya
In support of the United Nations Development Program in Libya

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