Featured Publications
Fall 2020
Clash of Memories and Clash of Dreams: The Legacy of the Pacific War and the Future of the East Asian Peace
(The Wilson Center, Fall 2020) Read more.

Dr. Zheng Wang
October, 2017
Memory Politics, Identity and Conflict: Historical Memory as a Variable
This book focuses on the methodology of research on historical memory and contributes to theoretical discussions concerning the use of historical memory as a variable to explain political action and social movement. The chapters of the book conceptualize the relationship between historical memory and national identity formation, perceptions, and policy-making. (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018) Read more.

Dr. Zheng Wang
April, 2014
Never Forget National Humiliation: Historical Memory in Chinese Politics and Foreign Relations
How could the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) not only survive but even thrive, regaining the support of many Chinese citizens after the Tiananmen Square crackdown of 1989? Why has popular sentiment turned toward anti-Western nationalism despite the anti-dictatorship democratic movements of the 1980s? And why has China been more assertive toward the United States and Japan in foreign policy but relatively conciliatory toward smaller countries in conflict? (Columbia University Press, 2014) Read more.

Dr. Zheng Wang
November, 2020
Continuous recognition: A latent variable approach to measuring international sovereignty of self-determination movements
(Journal of Peace Research 57, no. 6 (November 2020): 789-800.) Read more.

Dr. Joseph Huddleston
August, 2020
Dangers and Opportunities in the Coronavirus Crisis: US-China and China-Japan Relations
Zheng Wang examines how the pandemic shapes relations between countries when governments deploy it as a symbolic tool of statecraft. (Social Science Research Council’s special series on “Covid-19 and the Social Sciences,” August 20, 2020) Read more.

Dr. Zheng Wang
April, 2019
The Stabilization Facility for Libya - An Independent Strategic and Operational Review
This report summarises the findings and recommendations from an independent review of the Stabilisation Facility for Libya, conducted in the period March-May 2018. (United Nations Development Programme, 2019) Read more.

David Wood
January, 2016
Sustainable Security: Rethinking American National Security Strategy
As the world shifts away from the unquestioned American hegemony that followed in the wake of the Cold War, the United States is likely to face new kinds of threats and sharper resource constraints than it has in the past. However, the country’s alliances, military institutions, and national security strategy have changed little since the Cold War. (Oxford University Press, 2016). Read more.

Dr. Sara Bjerg Moller
September, 2013
Politics of Energy Dependency: Ukraine, Belarus, and Lithuania between Domestic Oligarchs and Russian Pressure (Studies in Comparative Political Economy and Public Policy)
Energy has been an important element in Moscow’s quest to exert power and influence in its surrounding areas both before and after the collapse of the USSR... (University of Toronto Press, 2013) Read more.

Dr. Margarita M. Balmaceda
January, 2019
Peace and Conflict Assessment of Libya
This report is designed to help international actors plan their assistance by: (1)
providing deeper insight as to the nature of conflict dynamics in the country; (2) asking a set of challenging questions which aid actors should collectively answer... Read more.

David Wood
January, 2015
Contested Memories and Reconciliation Challenges
The eyes and ears of much of Asia will be on Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe when he delivers a speech in August 2015 to commemorate 70 years since the end of World War II. It will undoubtedly be the most scrutinized of Abe’s public addresses to date, a fact that has not escaped the Prime Minister’s Office as experts have been assembled months in advance to advise him on the broader strategy and the appropriate wording for the occasion. (Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2015) Read more.

Dr. Zheng Wang