Catholic and Religious Peacemaking Program
The Center hosts conferences and promotes research on the established and emerging peacemaking work conducted by Catholic groups and other religious actors. This research also explores the distinctions between conflicts involving religion and religious actors, or across systems of thought - sometimes referred to as 'worldview' conflicts, and those conflicts that are primarily driven by interest or identity. This research has the purpose of determining what methodologies are most successful when promoting peaceful transformation of worldview conflicts, and whether these methodologies diverge from those that have proven successful in interest and identity-based conflicts. This research is important for the Center's main programs. US-China relations are influenced by the systems of thought of both parties. Conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa often involve religious actors or are driven by religious doctrine. In December 2019, the Center entered into a learning process with the Center for Security Studies (ETZ Zurich), and the University of British Columbia on worldview conflicts. This process, which is funded by the Swiss FDFA, will result in a set of papers on best practice in mediating worldview conflicts.

Mediating Conflicts between Groups with Different Worldviews: Approaches and Methods
Joint project with the University of British Columbia and CSS ETHZ Zurich