Luce Dialogue on U.S.-China Relations
During and After the Pandemic
Since its outbreak in January 2020, the novel coronavirus has swept across almost the entire world. China and the United States have suffered catastrophically from the pandemic. So has the U.S.-China relationship, which was already at a historic low point before COVID-19 accelerated its further deterioration. In both countries, the coronavirus has promoted the rise of nationalism and populism leading to the spread of accusations and conspiracy theories that have increased both nations’ negative public perceptions toward the other.
This Luce Dialogue aims to shed light on the Chinese and American views of relations during and after the coronavirus pandemic, identifying points of consensus where they exist and defining conceptual and strategic differences that have hampered cooperation. With a new grant from the Henry Luce Foundation, this series of on-line dialogues provide a channel for frank communication between policy communities on both sides. At the conclusion of the dialogue series, we also plan to publish policy-oriented monographs.
Talking Again: U.S. and Chinese Thought Leaders Search for Common Ground