Promoting U.S.-China Communication and Dialogue on the South China Sea Disputes (2016-2019)
In recent years, the South China Sea and East China Sea have been ever-increasing sources of tension in the Asia-Pacific region—ones that could even lead to direct conflict between the United States and China. Historical geopolitics along with growing nationalism and military capabilities of regional players have strained international relations in this region.
As a part of this project, from December 2016 onwards the Center conducted three dialogue conferences. The dialogue’s participants included internationally respected high-ranking experts across generations and career stages from both United States and China.
1. The U.S.-China Maritime Security Dialogue, Beijing and Nanjing, China (December 4-7, 2017)
2. The U.S.-China Maritime Security Dialogue Beijing, China (December 11-13, 2018)
3. The U.S.-China Relations: Define the Paradigm Changes, Nanjing, China (April 16-18, 2019)