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The Yemen Conflict Sensitivity Platform (YCSP)
The Yemen Conflict Sensitivity Platform (YCSP) is a one-stop-shop for supporting conflict sensitivity in Yemen, and is a critical response for enhanced effectiveness across the humanitarian, development, and peace nexus. At the heart of conflict sensitivity is the idea that all interventions interact with conflict dynamics and have a range of positive and negative impacts on the nature and trajectory of conflicts.
A conflict sensitive approach seeks to minimise risks that assistance inadvertently contributes to conflict dynamics and drivers, and to maximise opportunities (appropriate to an agency’s mandate) to contribute to peace and stability. Responding to this challenge requires that aid agencies: (1) understand the conflict environment in which they are operating: (2) design and adapt to respond to changing conflict dynamics, and (3) continually monitor the relationship between interventions and conflict events.
The YCSP works across to enhance the capacity of aid agencies to be conflict sensitive, to encourage learning between agencies on conflict sensitive practice, and to advise donors and policy-makers on aid. The YCSP is managed by a partnership of CPCS MENA and Search for Common Ground.
For more information on Search for Common Ground, please click here.
For more information on the project, please contact Hussein Ibrahim.
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